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Jerry Nelson
También conocido como: Añadir Ver todos los autografos de Jerry Nelson
Fecha de nacimiento: 10 Julio 1934 Enviar tu autógrafo de Jerry Nelson al foro
Sitio official: Añadir
Dirección de email: Añadir
Última respuesta recibida el: 4/5/2012 >>>

Jerry Nelson

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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Jerry Nelson "The Count" Sesame Street - 29 de agosto de 2012
This is just something I have to post in honor of the late Jerry Nelson from Sesame Street who passed away just recently. Jerry Nelson Voiced: Floyd Pepper, Crazy Harry, Robin Frog, Lew Zealand, Count Von Count, Suffleupagus & many other muppets Mailed: 1/24/11 (3 - 8½x11) (26 Day Turnaround) Returned: 2/19/11 Received One Picture signed by the whole cast of Sesame street, I know some sec wrote it all out but I thought that was still nice. Other Returned 7/27/11 (6 Month Turnaround) Jerry Autographed one of the other pictures and sent it back to me. Jerry Nelson died on August 23, 2012, of complications from the various cancers and respiratory diseases from which he suffered in his final years. He had suffered from emphysema for years. I had no idea of the health issues or else I might not have wrote. But here is a man who is sick & almost 80 & yet still has enough love for the fans to autograph back. I am mainly posting this in honor to a guy who I thought showed his fans true love. Thank you Mr. Nelson, you will be missed. Other celebs take note. - By ###:// at 2011-03-05 - By ###:// at 2011-08-25

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JERRY NELSON MUPPETS SUCCESS!!! - 05 de mayo de 2012
Yesterday I received my photo I sent to Jerry Nelson (Muppet Performer) back autographed and personalized! This completes my Muppet collection! That is, if you dont count non-living performers such as Jim Henson (I want to buy someday) and Richard Hunt (never seen his auto for sale). I am very happy about this success. Used address in DB. Here is the pic of the autograph: ... 8693_n.jpg - Sent: December 2011 (sometime) Received: May 3rd 2012

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Jerry Nelson - Sesame Street & Fraggle Rock - Success!!!!!!! - 26 de agosto de 2011
(10) Autograph & Answered Q&A Jerry Nelson (Floyd Pepper/Crazy Harry/Robin Frog/Lew Zealand/Count V. Count, Suffleupagus, ect.) Mailed: 1/24/11 (3 - 8½x11) (6 Month Turnaround) Returned: 7/27/11 Received One Picture Other Was Sent Received earlier(2/19/11) Sent Three pics, recieved one back one month after sending which was most likely signed by the secretary. It was still nice because all the Sesame Street puppets names were signed but like I said you knew a secretary did it. Also got a letter saying the letter and other pictures would be passed on to Mr. Nelson. It had been six months so I had given up on hearing back from him. The in the mail there it was, I opened up the package and saw he had autographed one picture, scribbled on it, & answered my Q&A. Dont know what happen to the third pic that was sent and dont care. This was awesome enough. Score one for childhood memories. Thanks Jerry. Sesame Workshop One Lincoln Plaza New York, NY 10023 - By ###:// at 2011-08-25

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