John Kay Ron Rainey Management, Inc. 8500 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 525 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-3111 Estados Unidos
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Ron Rainey Management, Inc. (Agencia de management de artistas) 8500 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 525 Beverly Hills, CA 90211-3111 Estados Unidos Teléfono: (310) 277-4050 Fax: (310) 557-8421 Sitio official Comentario:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
John Kay Singer Songwriter Steppenwolf - 19 de abril de 2019 John Kay (born Joachim Fritz Krauledat, 12 April 1944) is a German-Canadian rock singer, songwriter, and guitarist known as the frontman of Steppenwolf.
Kay joined a blues rock and folk music group known as The Sparrows in 1965, which had moderate success in Canada before moving to California, augmenting its line-up and changing its name to Steppenwolf in 1967. With music that pioneered hard rock and heavy metal, Kay's Steppenwolf had international success with songs such as "Born to Be Wild", "Magic Carpet Ride", "Monster", "The Pusher", and "Rock Me".
Kay recorded both as a solo artist and with Steppenwolf during the late 1970s, and wrapped up Steppenwolf's 40th year of touring with what was to be a final gig in October 2007. However, Kay and Steppenwolf appeared on 24 July 2010 at the three-day HullabaLOU music festival in Louisville, Kentucky.
Sent him 2 photos on 1 Oct 2018 and got them back signed on 19 Apr.
Lead singer
Sent to this address - but postmark on return envelope was Nashville
Mr John Kay
8500 Wilshire Blvd Suite 525
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 |
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