Troy Brown 1 Heavenly Pl. Huntington, WV 25705-3466 Estados Unidos |
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(Dirección de casa) 1 Heavenly Pl. Huntington, WV 25705-3466 Estados Unidos Teléfono: Fax: Comentario:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Troy Brown American Football... Patriots - 02 de agosto de 2017 Troy Fitzgerald Brown (born July 2, 1971) is a former American football wide receiver in the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted by the New England Patriots in the eighth round of the 1993 NFL Draft. He played college football at Marshall. On May 11, 2010, Brown was elected into the College Football Hall of Fame. In June 2012, Brown was voted into the New England Patriots Hall of Fame by fan vote.
He played on five of the nine Patriots teams to reach the Super Bowl, and he retired as the franchise leader in career receptions. His primary position was at wide receiver, but he also contributed as a kick returner and on defense as a cornerback.
New England Patriots (1993â2007)
3Ã Super Bowl champion (XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX)
Pro Bowl (2001)
New England Patriots Hall of Fame
New England Patriots 50th Anniversary Team
Sent him 2 photos on 8 Jul and got both back signed on 1 Aug
Mr Troy Brown
1 Heavenly Place
Huntington, WV. 25705 |
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Troy Brown Success! - 06 de marzo de 2015 On January 29, 2015, I sent an 8x10, LOR, and SASE to former NFL player Troy Brown. On March 6, 2015, I received my photo back signed and personalized.
Address: Private home address (not the one in the data base)
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Troy Brown -FAILURE - RTS - 17 de diciembre de 2014 Troy Brown NE Patriots sent 12/8/2014 received RTS/Unable to Forward/Not Deliverable as Addressed
Address used:
PO Box 4011
Huntington, WV 25729-4011 |
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