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Peggy March
Peggy March
También conocido como: Añadir Ver todos los autografos de Peggy March
Fecha de nacimiento: 08 Marzo 1948 Enviar tu autógrafo de Peggy March al foro
Sitio official: Añadir
Dirección de email: Añadir
Última respuesta recibida el: 18/6/2018 >>>


Peggy March
1141 NW 88th Way
Plantation, FL 33322-5025
Estados Unidos
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(Dirección de casa)
1141 NW 88th Way
Plantation, FL 33322-5025
Estados Unidos
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Peggy March Singer - 18 de junio de 2018
Peggy March (born Margaret Annemarie Battavio, March 8, 1948 in Lansdale, Pennsylvania) is an American pop singer. She is primarily known for her 1963 million-selling song "I Will Follow Him". Although she is sometimes remembered as a one-hit wonder, she continued to have success in Europe well into the 1970s. On April 24, 1963, her single "I Will Follow Him" soared to number one on the U.S. charts. She recorded the song in early January 1963 and it was released on January 22, when she was only 14. March became the youngest female artist with a number one hit, at 15, in late April 1963, a record that still stands for the Billboard Hot 100. She recorded a number of songs in German and Japanese. Sent her 2 photos on 24 May and got them both back signed on 18 Jun. video Ms Peggy March 1141 NW 88th Way Plantation, FL 33322

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Peggy March Singer RTS - 23 de mayo de 2018
Sent to the address in the database but was returned to me - Had a Deutsche Post sticker on it saying Inconnu/insuffisante adresse (wrong address) - Someone had crossed out everything below Koch Universal Music Peggy March Koch Universal Music Lochhamer Straße 9 82152 Planegg München Germany

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