Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Margery Mason (Harry Potter) RTS - 23 de noviembre de 2012 This was a surprise to me because I had never seen an RTS from her before.
sent: July 31, 2012
received: Nov. 23, 2012
Billy Marsh Drama Ltd
20 Garrick St
Covent Garden
London, WC2E 9BT
On the envelope, it says a new address, but it's hard to read. I think it says 27 Collbeck Crescent London WW3 5LH When I googled this address, there were no results, so I'm really confused. I hope she hasn't stopped signing.
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Margery Mason (Harry Potter Success)! - 29 de octubre de 2012 Sorry I was not able to post this earlier
Sent 8/9/12: LOR, SAE, Pic, $1 USD
Received 10/18/12: A diff. picture signed in My SAE
Its funny because she didnt sign the photo I sent of her in Harry Potter so she sent her own. Then, when the pen wouldnt work on the front of the photo she signed the back of it -
Thanks Margery and Fanmail! |   |
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Margery Mason (HP's Trolley Lady) SUCCESS! - 16 de octubre de 2012 On 8/10/12, I wrote British actress Margery Mason (HP's Trolley Lady) with a TTM autograph request, sending SAE, 3x5 card for signing, and $2 USD for exchange/postage. Got her reply today, 10/16/12, but she sent a signed b/w photo of one of her earlier roles, and it was signed "Margery Mason." Address used is in the fanmail.biz database and is below. 1 of 2 received today.
Margery Mason
c/o Billy Marsh Drama, Ltd.
Covent Garden
20 Garrick Street
London WC2E 9BT
UK |
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