Deana Martin Studio A Productions 3000 Green Mountain Dr. Suite 107 Branson, MO 65616 Estados Unidos
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Studio A Productions (Agencia de management de artistas) 3000 Green Mountain Dr. Suite 107 Branson, MO 65616 Estados Unidos Teléfono: Fax: Comentario:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Deana Martin Singer - 29 de agosto de 2019 Deana Martin (born August 19, 1948) is an American singer and actress. She is the daughter of singer Dean Martin.Martin was born in Manhattan to Dean Martin and his first wife, Elizabeth (Betty) MacDonald. She moved to Beverly Hills, California with her family by the age of one. She later went to live with her father and his second wife, Jeanne Biegger. During her childhood, it was not unusual for his Rat Pack friends, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr., to visit. Martin began her recording career with producer Lee Hazlewood at Reprise Records. The recordings included her country music hit "Girl of the Month Club" while she was a teenager. Other tunes were "When He Remembers Me", "Baby I See You", and "The Bottom of My Mind", all recorded during the 1960s. Musicians from the Wrecking Crew, including Glen Campbell, played on these recordings.
Sent her 2 photos on 25 Jul and got them back signed on 29 Aug.
Ms Deana Martin
Studio A Productions
3000 Green Mountain Dr.
Suite 107
Branson, MO 65616 |
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Deana Martin Great success!!! - 04 de abril de 2019 I got a nice note from her and an autograph saying to John love Deana Martin. here is the address I used!
Deana Martin
Studio A Productions
3000 Green Mountain Dr.
Suite 107
Branson, MO 65616
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