Mason Cook Primary Wave Entertainment 2690 N Beachwood Drive Floor 2 Los Angeles, CA 90068 Estados Unidos
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Primary Wave Entertainment (Agencia de management de artistas) 2690 N Beachwood Drive Floor 2 Los Angeles, CA 90068 Estados Unidos Teléfono: (424) 239-1200 Fax: Sitio official Comentario:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
MASON COOK (SPY KIDS 4) 1st FAN LETTER! - 08 de octubre de 2011 Hey guys!
So, I wrote to Mason Cook (He stars in the new Spy Kids 4D Movie) on August 21, 2011.
I sent him a letter, saying how much I loved him and blahblahblah. I also included my Twitter name in the letter, asking him to Tweet me when he got the letter, since we have such bad mailmen where I live, I thought he might not get it.
On August 29th, he Tweeted to me: "Just opened my very first fan letter ever!!! It was from *my username* -here's your tweet Emma " Then on September 30, I got a letter from him in the mail. Inside, he returned the picture I sent him, signed. And he also sent me my Q+A and signed it "Mason Cook - GAME ON!" He's too cute. I was really excited about this success!
*Pictures Later*
-Emma |
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Mason Cook (Spy Kids 4) SUCCESS - 04 de octubre de 2011 Mason Cook (Actor)
Sent: August 15, 2011
What?: LOR, SASE, 3 Photos
Address Used:
ATTN: Margot Menzel
Evolution Entertainment
901 N. Highland Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Received: October 3, 2011
What?: My 3 photos signed and his own 8x10 photo signed and personalized in envelope he wrote himself.
Photo: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/52 ... spxcl.jpg/
Thanks for looking, Comments are welcome