Ryan Kelly P.O Box 1513 Dungannon County Tyrone Northern Ireland BT70 9AQ Reino Unido |
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(Apartado postal) P.O Box 1513 Dungannon County Tyrone Northern Ireland BT70 9AQ Reino Unido Teléfono: Fax: Comentario:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Ryan Kelly of Celtic Thunder Success - 03 de mayo de 2012 hello everyone, mack in early march i sent a letter, SAE and a pic that i had put together of Ryan Kelly of the group Celtic Thunder. Monday of this week i received it back personalized, by him. i used the address on the Celtic Thunder.com address it is: Ryan Kelly P.O Box 1513, Dungannon, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland BT70 9AQ. i am very happy with this success due to the fact that this is my new favorite group. and that this is my 1st success i awhile as well. i hope more to come. here are the pic and envelope enjoy!
Best Wishes Sean
By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-05-03
By ###://profile.imageshack.us/user/f4lseanjazz:f4lseanjazz at 2012-05-03 | |
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