Gail Davies Little Chickadee Productions P.O. Box 92261 Nashville, TN 37209 Estados Unidos
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Little Chickadee Productions (Empresa de producción cinematográfica) P.O. Box 92261 Nashville, TN 37209 Estados Unidos Teléfono: Fax: Sitio official Comentario:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Gail Davies Singer Songwriter - 17 de noviembre de 2018 Gail Davies (born Patricia Gail Dickerson; June 5, 1948) is an American singer/songwriter and the first female record producer in country music. She is the daughter of country singer Tex Dickerson and the sister of songwriter Ron Davies. Gail's son, Chris Scruggs, is a former co-lead singer and guitarist for the roots-country band BR549 and is currently on tour with Marty Stuart as a member of his Fabulous Superlatives.
Gail Davies established herself as a successful singer and songwriter during the 1970s and 1980s, scoring numerous Top 10 and Top 20 Billboard hits. She was one of country music's most influential artists, becoming the genre's first female record producer. She has been cited as a role model for other female singers, including Suzy Bogguss, Kathy Mattea, Mary Chapin Carpenter, and Pam Tillis.
Sent her 2 photos on 10 Oct and got them back signed on 17 Nov.
Address on return envelope
Ms Gail Davies
PO Box 120545
Nashville, TN 37212 |
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Gail Davies - singer - 08 de diciembre de 2012 Gail Davies
september 2012 (letter)
september 2012 (3 photos + publicity + email)
Little Chickadee Productions
P.O. Box 120545
Nashville, TN 37212
gd at gaildavies.com
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