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Lassie Lou Ahern
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Última respuesta recibida el: 30/1/2016 >>>

Lassie Lou Ahern

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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Lassie Lou Ahern Child Actress 20s and 40s - 06 de noviembre de 2017
Lassie Lou Ahern (born June 25, 1920) is an American actress.Ahern got her acting career started in 1923 in the silent film The Call of the Wild, produced by Hal Roach. Also making her first screen appearance was her older sister Peggy Ahern. In 1927, another studio, Universal Studios, was in the process of making Uncle Tom's Cabin. Not satisfied with the boys who auditioned for the role as Little Harry, Lassie Lou Ahern was contacted and requested to take the part. Her acting in the film turned out to be a success and she won the best reviews of her career. In 1932, she teamed up with her sister Peggy and started putting up performances that included dancing, singing, and playing instruments. The duo was billed as "The Ahern Sisters" and mostly appeared in nightclubs and hotels. Lassie later went on to work as a dance teacher at the Ashram Health Spa, where many known stars were students. During the 1970s, she made several guest appearances in television shows such as The Odd Couple. Sent her 3 photos, 2 from Uncle Tom's Cabin, on 17 Oct and got them back signed on 6 Nov.. She also included a signed note saying that I had picked out a couple of her favorite photos.. and she mentioned that she had won an award for Best Child Actor of the Year for her role in Uncle Tom's Cabin.. And said that she was now 97 WOW..... Sent to this address: Ms. Lassie Lou Ahern 8049 N Sage Vis Prescott Valley, AZ 86315 But her return address sticker said Lassie Ahern-Brent 1039 Scott Drive Apt A222 Prescott, AZ 86301

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Lassie Lou Ahern success! - 31 de enero de 2016
Sent Lassie Lou Ahern a SASE, fan letter, and photo on 01/09/2016. Got back photo personalized and a really sweet letter on 01/30/2016. In the letter she said to be on the lookout for a video interview of her because in the footage they have her signing fan mail and one of them was mine! Pretty awesome. Used address in database.

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Invalid address for Lassie Lou Ahern - 02 de agosto de 2015
Lassie Lou Ahern's current address on this website is no longer valid. Her family is requesting that the administrator of this website delete it immediately from the website. A new address for all of her fan mail to be sent to will be provided in a short time.

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