Guy Davis Thom Wolke Management 678 Stage Road Plainfield, NH 03781 Estados Unidos
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Thom Wolke Management (Agencia de management de artistas) 678 Stage Road Plainfield, NH 03781 Estados Unidos Teléfono: (603) 675-5454 Fax: Comentario:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Guy Davis "Beat Street" success! - 11 de diciembre de 2014 I am a huge "Beat Street" fan. Grew up watching "Beat Street", and the "Breakin'" films in the theater. Still love them today. I found Guy Davis, the Actor who played the main character "Kenny" from the film. He's not acting but a touring Blues Musician now. On October 24th I mailed my dvd cover and 3 photos from Beat Street to him. on October 31st I recieved them signed and personalized. I got lucky cause he is touring and happened to be in town his manager said. So please keep in mind, he tours alot. Check his touring schedule via his web site,
(Dvd cover not pictured)
Address used:
Thom Wolke Management
678 Stage Road
Plainfield, NH 03781
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