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Robert L. Gibson
Robert L. Gibson
Ex Astronauta
También conocido como: Añadir Ver todos los autografos de Robert L. Gibson
Fecha de nacimiento: 30 Octubre 1946 Enviar tu autógrafo de Robert L. Gibson al foro
Sitio official: Añadir
Dirección de email: Añadir
Última respuesta recibida el: 2/7/2016 >>>


Robert L. Gibson
1709 Shagbark Trl
Murfreesboro, TN 37130-1136
Estados Unidos
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(Dirección de casa)
1709 Shagbark Trl
Murfreesboro, TN 37130-1136
Estados Unidos
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Robert L. Gibson Shuttle Astronaut - 03 de julio de 2016
Robert Lee "Hoot" Gibson (born October 30, 1946), (Capt, USN, Ret.), is a former American naval officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, and a retired NASA astronaut, as well as a professional pilot who currently races regularly at the annual Reno Air Races. In 2015 it was announced that Gibson would be the pilot of the P 51 "Strega" at the annual Reno event. In this plane, he would win the National Championship Air Races. Gibson entered active duty with the Navy in 1969. He received basic and primary flight training at Naval Air Station Pensacola and Naval Air Station Saufley Field, Florida, and Naval Air Station Meridian, Mississippi. He completed advanced flight training at Naval Air Station Kingsville, Texas and was assigned to Fighter Squadron 121 (VF-121) at Naval Air Station Miramar, California for replacement training in the F-4 Phantom II. While assigned to Fighter Squadron 111 (VF-111) and Fighter Squadron 1 (VF-1) from April 1972 to September 1975, he saw duty aboard the aircraft carriers USS Coral Sea and USS Enterprise, flying combat missions in Southeast Asia in the F-4 with VF-111 and making the initial operational carrier deployment of the F-14 Tomcat with VF-1. He is a graduate of the Navy Fighter Weapons School, also known as "TOPGUN." Selected by NASA in January 1978, Gibson became an astronaut in August 1979. Gibson flew five missions: STS-41-B in 1984, STS-61-C in 1986, STS-27 in 1988, STS-47 in 1992, and STS-71 in 1995. Gibson served as Chief of the Astronaut Office (December 1992 to September 1994) and as Deputy Director, Flight Crew Operations (March–November 1996).In five space flights, Gibson completed a total of 36.5 days in space. Sent him 2 photos on 13 Jun and got both back signed on 2 Jul.. He signed them Robert "Hoot" Gibson. Captain Robert Gibson 1709 Shagbark Trail Murfreesboro, TN 37130-1136

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dualsigned Autograph from Robert L. Gibson - 14 de junio de 2015
i've got an autograph from the former space shuttle astronaut Robert L. Gibson. the photo was already signed by another crew-member Robert Stewart. here are some information about Robert Stewart: and here you can find information about Robert L. Gibson: this is the photo of the signatures:

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Robert L. Gibson (astronaut) success x2 - 11 de febrero de 2015
sent him an 8 by 10 on 1-26-15 and got that back along with another 8 by 10. Here's the addy I used: 1709 Shagbark Trail Murfreeboro, TN. 37130

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