Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Bruce McCandless Shuttle Astronaut - 28 de febrero de 2015 Bruce McCandless II (born June 8, 1937) is a former naval aviator with the United States Navy and former NASA astronaut. During the first of his two Space Shuttle missions he made the first ever untethered free flight using the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) in 1984.
Sent 2 photos of him floating in space in his MMU on 17 Feb and got both back 28 Feb.
Captain Bruce McCandless
21932 Pleasant Park Rd.
Conifer, CO 80433 |
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Bruce McCandless II RTS Failure - 10 de agosto de 2014 I don't exactly remember when, but sometime mid July, I sent him a LOR, SASE, and a picture for him to sign. Today on 8/9/14 I got my letter back RTS with postage due 21¢. The big sticker on it says "Returned to sender, or REFUSED Disposition in accordance with USPS Regulations." There is also a stamp on it that is checked "Not deliverable as addressed unable to forward." Does anyone have any thoughts as to why it came back postage due? Also, I think the address needs to be updated.
Address Used:
Bruce McCandless II
21852 Pleasant Park Rd
Conifer, CO 80433-6802
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Bruce McCandless II - STS-41-B - NASA TTM Success. - 14 de septiembre de 2013 Sent a LOR, SASE, and Three 4X6" photos in April 2013.
Received 3 photos signed by Bruce McCandless on 9/13/2013.
Address Used: 21852 Pleasant Park Rd Conifer, CO 80433-6802.
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