Josh Grelle Mary Collins Agency, Inc. 4131 N. Central Expressway Suite 900 Dallas, TX 75204 Estados Unidos
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Mary Collins Agency, Inc. (Agencia de actores) 4131 N. Central Expressway Suite 900 Dallas, TX 75204 Estados Unidos Teléfono: (214)-871-8900 Fax: (214)-871-8945 Sitio official Comentario:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Josh Grelle Success!! - 28 de julio de 2017 Iv been in love with anime forever and one of the best voice actors for English dubbed anime is Josh Grelle. I'm a huge fan. I sent this out at the very beginning of June 2017. And I received something back on July 12, 2017. I sent him a letter and a printed picture of a anime character that he played. Yes i printed it on regular paper and put it in a envelope. The address I sent it too was 2909 Cole Avenue, Suite 250 Dallas, Texas 75204. The autograph is personalized to me "To Taylor thx for the sweet letter! Smiley face Josh Grelle "Maou". I'm so excited this worked!! |
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Josh Grelle success - 12 de octubre de 2016 I can't remember the date I sent it out, maybe 2 months ago? But today I got a return in the mail, with the signed photo I sent, and an extra one, because of the delay. Both personalized.
As a big fan of voice acting in general, and a HUGE fan of Psycho-Pass and Attack on Titan, this was great to get back. Grelle is an amazing actor.
This was my 6th successful fanmail return, using addresses from this site.
Rob McCollum, Mike McFarland, Tara Strong, Steve Blum, and Yuri Lowenthal, being the other 5.
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