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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Singer/actor Ed Ames success - 13 de octubre de 2015 He is best known for his pop hits of the 1960s including "My Cup Runneth Over", "Who Will Answer?" and "When the Snow is on the Roses". He was part of a popular 1950s singing group called the Ames Brothers. Talent scouts at 20th Century Fox saw Ames in the production and invited him to play the Cherokee tribesman, Mingo on the NBC television series, Daniel Boone, with Fess Parker, Patricia Blair, Darby Hinton, and Veronica Cartwright. His character's father was an English officer. In an episode of Season One, Ames also portrayed Mingo's evil twin brother, Taramingo. Ames' main character was actually named Caramingo, but went by Mingo throughout the entire series. Ames played a bandit on a 1962 The Rifleman episode and guest-starred as Kennedy in the 1963 episode "The Day of the Pawnees, Part 2" on ABC's The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters, with Kurt Russell in the title role. He guest-starred in 1963 on Richard Egan's NBC modern western series, Redigo.
mailed 6-5-15
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