Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Glenn Resch NHL Success (Chico Resch) - 27 de agosto de 2024 I sent a letter, and three cards to Glenn Resch and I got them back signed!
I sent it out on 7/23/24 and I got it back on 8/27/24!
Mr. Glenn Resch
501 N 5th St <<arrow$
Brainerd, MN 56401
http://surfmypictures.com/image/d9bee02430a6776b/kge2a.html <<arrow$
http://surfmypictures.com/image/d9bee02430a6776b/ly06j.html <<arrow$ |
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Glenn "Chico" Resch NHL Success (Chico Resch) - 03 de octubre de 2017 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to:
Mr. Glenn Resch
39563 Trout Ave.
Emily, MN 56447
Received my card back signed.
Sent: 8/18/17
Received: 10/3/17
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Chico Resch, Ex NHL Goalie, Success - 06 de marzo de 2017 Sent Mr. Resch a letter, 8x10, Blue Sharpie, SASE on 11/8/15, addressed to: 39563 Trout Ave., Emily, MN 56447. SASE returned 3/6/17 with 8x10 signed in blue. Sorry no photo. |
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