Svengoolie Weigel Broadcasting Co. 26 N. Halsted Chicago, IL 60661-2107 Estados Unidos
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Weigel Broadcasting Co. (Empresa) 26 N. Halsted Chicago, IL 60661-2107 Estados Unidos Teléfono: Fax: Sitio official Comentario:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Svengoolie Success! (Rich Koz) - 04 de junio de 2018 I sent a picture, in a SASE, to Svengoolie:
(Svengoolie- The METV Network
26 N. Halsted
Chicago, IL
on 8/31/17 and received it back on 6/1/18.
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Svengoolie Success! - 09 de mayo de 2015 Got this in the mail today, so freaking excited!
Svengoolie is a hosted horror movie show. The show's title is taken from the name of the character host. The show is a long-running local program in the Chicago area and in recent years expanded nationally, airing Saturday nights on Me-TV.
he show generally airs low-budget, horror and science-fiction movies, with host "Svengoolie"  a telescoping of Svengali + ghoul  played by Rich Koz, who wears thick makeup around his eyes, moustache and goatee, fright wig, and top hat, all black, along with a tuxedo jacket over a bright red open-collared button-down shirt.
Just before and after commercial breaks, Svengoolie presents sketches, tells corny jokes, and performs song parodies spoofs of the film being aired.
I love the show and watch it every week. The show introduced me to old school horror movies and really the reason why I'm so into them now,
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