¿Cómo enviar tus cartas de admirador y peticiones de autógrafo a Cowboy Junkies?:
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Cowboy Junkies Band - 30 de junio de 2019 The Cowboy Junkies are an alternative country and folk rock band formed in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1985. The group was formed in 1985 by Alan Anton (bassist), Michael Timmins (songwriter, guitarist), Peter Timmins (drummer) and Margo Timmins (vocalist). The three Timminses are siblings, and Anton worked with Michael Timmins during their first couple of bands. The band line-up has never changed since, although they use several guest musicians on many of their albums, including multi-instrumentalist Jeff Bird who has performed on every album except the first.
The Junkies gained worldwide fame and recognition with their second album, The Trinity Session, recorded in 1987 at Toronto's Church of the Holy Trinity. Their sound, again using the ambisonic microphone, and their mix of blues, country, folk, rock and jazz earned them both critical attention and a strong fan base. The Los Angeles Times named the recording as one of the ten best albums of 1988.
Sent 2 photos to Margo Timmins.. One a picture of just her, that she signed, and the other a picture of their album cover "Lay It Down" which all four of them signed. Sent on 9 Feb and got them back 29 Jun. She also sent a note saying sorry for it taking so long, that she signed Margo.
Ms Margo Timmins
c/o Latent Recordings
349 Markham St.
Toronto, ON M6G 2K8
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