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Susan Cowsill
También conocido como: Susan Claire Cowsill Ver todos los autografos de Susan Cowsill
Fecha de nacimiento: 20 Mayo 1959 Enviar tu autógrafo de Susan Cowsill al foro
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Última respuesta recibida el: 22/7/2020 >>>


Susan Cowsill
516 Alix Street
New Orleans, LA 70114-1026
Estados Unidos
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(Dirección de casa)
516 Alix Street
New Orleans, LA 70114-1026
Estados Unidos
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Susan Cowsill Singer Member of The Cowsills - 22 de julio de 2020
Susan Claire Cowsill (born May 20, 1959; Canton, Ohio) is a musician, vocalist and songwriter. Susan Cowsill began her musical career with the Cowsills in 1967; she is the youngest member of the Cowsills and the only daughter of parents Bud and Barbara Cowsill. She made her debut on We Can Fly, the Cowsills' second MGM Records album, released in early 1968. Her debut solo vocal was a song called Ask the Children, featured in the Cowsills' third MGM album, Captain Sad And His Ship Of Fools. Her contribution to the Cowsills' backing vocals made her, upon her ninth birthday, the youngest person to be directly involved in a top ten hit record when "Indian Lake" made the Top 10 in the early summer of 1968. In 1969 she contributed to the vocals in what would become the Cowsills' biggest hit, Hair. She became known for her performance of the line, "and spaghetti'd" which she sang with a squeakiness in her voice that she still uses when she performs the song live. Sent her 2 photos on 6 Jul and got them back signed on 22 Jul.. [youtube_ThrsQ4G0HI[/youtube [youtube-MMhaexbs8Q[/youtube [youtube4YSTW1H1O5I[/youtube Wrote to the following address Ms Susan Cowsill - Broussand 516 Alix St. New Orleans, LA 70114 When my envelope came back it had my enevlope to her stuffed inside and she had crossed out 516 Alix and had written 529 Pacific

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