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Anne Robinson Anne RobinsonAnne RobinsonAnne Robinson
Fotos de Anne Robinson (2009-12-04)
Anne Robinson
Presentadora de TV
También conocido como: Añadir Ver todos los autografos de Anne Robinson
Fecha de nacimiento: 26 Septiembre 1944 Enviar tu autógrafo de Anne Robinson al foro
Sitio official: Añadir
Dirección de email: weakestlink at
Última respuesta recibida el: 11/11/2015 >>>


Anne Robinson
Penrose Media
19 Victoria Grove
London, W8 5RW
Reino Unido

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Penrose Media
(Agencia de relaciones públicas)
19 Victoria Grove
London, W8 5RW
Reino Unido
Teléfono: +44 (0)1285740583
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Anne Robinson
Peters Fraser + Dunlop
55 New Oxford Street
London WC1A 1BS
Reino Unido

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Peters Fraser + Dunlop
(Agencia de representación artistica y literaria)
55 New Oxford Street
London WC1A 1BS
Reino Unido
Teléfono: +44 (0)20 7344 1000
Fax: +44 (0)20 7836 9539
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

ANNE ROBINSON ( THE WEAKEST LINK) - SUCCESS!! - 12 de noviembre de 2015
I've been a fan of Anne since 2000 on first seeing her as the quiz master for The Weakest Link, where, with just one raised eyebrow or short, sharp acerbic comment, she could make the contestants feel like something she'd just scraped off her Versace stiletto, quickly earning her the nickname 'Queen Of Mean'. This was the show that made an Anne an international name as she went over to America to present it on NBC primetime. She worked on The Weakest Link for 12 years. I'm also a fan of her tenacious, grilling interviewing technique, on the BBC consumer program Watchdog. Here she interviews corporate fat cats that have been caught red handed ripping off the public. Her style for demanding the reasons behind their actions, had, on some occasions, been so intense for the company representative being interrogated by Anne, to be too much for them to handle, that they simply got up and walked off the set. Anne's worked in the media since the late 1960's (newspapers) and became the first female assistant editor of a major national Newspaper (The Mirror) in 1980. This year she announced she's stepped down from Watchdog in order to record her new series Britain's Spending Secrets. I sent Anne a 5 page A5 LOR, 2 A4 photos, 6"x4" index card and SASE. Address: (Taken from Anne Robinson Penrose Media, (Publicist) 19 Victoria Grove, London W8 5RW Sent: 27/08/2015 Received: 11/11/2015 Turnaround: 10 Weeks 6 Days Received both photos autographed by Anne in my SASE. Nicely pleased with this success. Anne's a softy at heart

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