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Tom Jones - 15 de agosto de 2019 [youtubeS87jWwzvwd8[/youtube
[size=200Sir Thomas Jones Woodward[/size, [umy childhood[/u singer. In Soviet times (60 years) - we boys run around the fence and sing - Vai, vai , vai - Delilah. It was Hits. Of course, I wanted to get an autograph from him. In my opinion - this was the third attempt - and it succeeded. Today - a postman brought a letter - with a photograph of Tom Jones decorated with Tom Jones' own autograph. My photos were not signed and I didn't get them back . I am pleased.
[u <<arrow$ I used the address provided by Fanmail.biz and waited 2 years for the letter.[/u |
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Tom Jones RTS - 31 de diciembre de 2018 I wrote to Mr. Jones on 11/26/18 and received my envelope back on 12/31/18
Tom Jones
Tom Jones Enterprises, LLC
1430 Broadway
6th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Now I will try the other address in the database.
http://surfmypictures.com/photo/1662325 ... 1_0001.jpg |  |
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Tom Jones TTM Success - 20 de marzo de 2015 I receive the below success from Tom.
Sent 1 photo and a SASE to be the below address and signed for me.
Photo send first week in February and receive back 3rd March 2015
Sorry I do not keep envelopes of any of my autographs to take a photo of.
Tom Jones
Valley Music Ltd.
Unit 6
Upper Culham Farm Barns
Upper Culham
Henley on Thames
Oxfordshire RG10 8NR
https://www.facebook.com/guysautographs |  |
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