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Don Rickles Don RicklesDon RicklesDon Rickles
Fotos de Don Rickles (2006-12-10)
Don Rickles
También conocido como: Añadir Ver todos los autografos de Don Rickles
Fecha de nacimiento: 08 Mayo 1926 Enviar tu autógrafo de Don Rickles al foro
Sitio official: Añadir
Dirección de email: Añadir
Última respuesta recibida el: 21/9/2016 >>>

Don Rickles

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Envía tu carta y espera. Por regla general, tardará como unos 3 meses en haber una respuesta. Si no vives en , añade varios Cupones de Respuesta Internacional. Estos cupones (CRI) serán usados por el destinatario para canjearlos por sellos de correos comunes. Sólo puedes obtenerlos en tus oficinas de correos locales. Deposita los CRIs dentro del sobre, no pegados en él. Para más información sobre los cupones, clic aquí. (en inglés) *Para información sobre coste del franqueo para recibir una carta desde clic aquí.

Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Response from Don Rickles' wife - 05 de junio de 2017
About a week before Mr. Rickles passed, I sent a LOR and a CD sleeve to the address in the database. Today I received my CD sleeve back along with a very nice form letter from his wife. I don't know who's actually returning the items, but, especially considering the emotions involved, it's a very nice gesture on their part.

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Don Rickles - 11 de mayo de 2017
So this previous Saturday I went to an expo where I got my football autographed by a few past and present NYG players. When I got home, I received an autograph through the mail. At first I was all "Sam Elliott finally sent me an autograph!" But nope. It wasn't Sam Elliott, which is sad because I really love Sam. lol. I opened it to see none-other then Don Rickles authentic autograph. I was surprised because he recently passed away and the envelope was dated May 3rd from the post office. Hmm. I told my parents this and my mom said the autograph was probably on his desk or something and when people were cleaning they came across it, or that it took longer to get from CA to our state and that he mailed it long time ago. So here's the autograph link since the picture is huge in the preview. I'm not posting the envelope because I don't think it would do any one any good any more. ... qba3s.html * Hit the back button on your server when you open the link. I really loved Don Rickles as Mr. Potato Head in Toy Story and am curious how they are going to handle the character. We truly did lose a Hollywood Icon... RIP- Don Rickles.

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Don Rickles Success - 13 de diciembre de 2016
I received an autograph from the legendary Don Rickles. He signed my 4x6 photo that I had sent. He also sent a signed and personalized 8x10 (coincidentally the photo) as well. Great success! Sent 11/21/16 Received 12/8/16 Sent to Mr. Don Rickles Century Woods 10249 Century Woods Dr Los Angeles, CA 90067-6312 ... ufh9s.html ... nbbiw.html

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