Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Louise Fletcher Success - 03 de agosto de 2021 Mailed photo with LOR and SASE on 2/6/21 to 'Louise Fletcher, 1520 Camden Ave, Apt. 105, Los Angeles, CA 90025-3443' and received it back, signed, on 2/22/21.
http://surfmypictures.com/image/94a4e0d832fe853e/79928.html |
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Louise Fletcher RTS - 14 de julio de 2021 I sent Louise a letter on Apr 24 2021,return to sender in June 30
The reason Is not deliverable as addressed,unable to forward
Louise Fletcher
Barneston Corporation
1520 Camden Avenue
Apt 105
Los Angeles, CA 90025-3443
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Louise Fletcher SUCCESS! - 27 de abril de 2021 I sent a letter, SASE and (6) 4x6 photos on April 12th and today I received all six back signed!
Address used:
Mrs. Louise Fletcher
c/o Barneston Corporation
1520 Camden Avenue
Apt 105
Los Angeles, CA 90025-3443
Shes been a favorite of mine for years and Im so happy to finally add these to my collection |
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