Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Bob Gale success - 26 de enero de 2019 On January 15 (11 days ago), I sent Mr. Gale a LOR, SASE and a trading card from Back to the Future. I received my card back today signed. I used the address:
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Bob Gale - Success! - 20 de noviembre de 2018 Bob Gale
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Sent Letter, SASE, three 4X6s, and a prop "Save The Clock Tower" flyer from "Back to the Future." Rcvd all four items back signed and the "Clock Tower" flyer inscribed.
Sent: 10/27/2018
Received: 11/19/2018
(23 Days)
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Bob Gale Success - 02 de agosto de 2017 Sent 04 May 2017 (Reply coupon+ one picture+ enveloppe)
Received 02 August 2017 (My picture signed)
Bob Gale
Address Removed