Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Mylene Demongeot (e-mail) success - 01 de enero de 2019 Mylene Demongeot (e-mail) success. Old story.
First I started collecting autographs by e-mail. These autographs were received about a year ago. Maybe someone is interested.
Mylene Demongeot � French actress
Used email address: demongeot.mylene ( at ) gmail.com
Sent - 29/10/2017
Received - 09/11/2017
http://surfmypictures.com/image/395eac790f5e036d/u8unt.html:http://surfmypictures.com/photo/395eac790f5e036d/u8unt/046_01.JPG |
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Mylene Demongeot Success - 28 de febrero de 2017 Sent about 2 weeks ago (Artmedia address) with stamped enveloppe, a picture and a letter
Received my picture signed + a added picture signed
Mylène Demongeot
20, Avenue Rapp
75007 Paris
Enveloppe + Added picture
My picture signed
Comments about authenticity are welcomed |
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Mylene Demongeot success - 16 de agosto de 2013 French actress-School For Love,The Toy Wife,The Crucible,Giant of Marathon,The Hideout,Girl Game,Because of a Woman,13 Chains,You've Got To Live Dangerously,Marion,Anoher Falling Star,The Ideal Man,Victoire,Camping,La Californie.
emailed reqquesting signed photo 5-14-13
received signed photo 7-24-13
used: via the following website:
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