Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Adrian Rawlins (Harry Potter) - Success - 17 de febrero de 2023 Sent a SAE, a photo and a letter to british actor Adrian Rawlins and got my photo back signed
Adrian Rawlins
The Artists Partnership
21-22 Warwick Street
London W1B 5NE
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures
Sent: 07/25/2022
Reply: 02/14/2023 |
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Adrian Rawlins (James Potter in "HP and the POA) SUCCESS! - 07 de marzo de 2015 On 9/4/12, I wrote Adrian Rollins (HP's James Potter) with a TTM autograph request. I sent a 3x5 card for signing, SSAE, and $2 US dollars for currency exchange and postage purchase. Out of a clear blue sky (no kidding, folks), I received his response today, 3/7/15, with the card autographed "All my very best, Adrian Rollins (James Potter)." His address isn't listed in the fanmail.biz database (as of 3/7/15), so I'm listing the one I received below.
Adrian Rawlins
Address Outdated
[uUK[/u |
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Adrian Rawlins - Harry Potter - success - 15 de marzo de 2014 Address:
Adrian Rawlins
Ken McReddie Associates
101 Finsbury Pavement
London EC2A 1RS
30.01.2014 - 15.03.2014
2 photos signed
https://www.facebook.com/RaabigrammAutogramme | |
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