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Gilbert Gottfried Gilbert GottfriedGilbert Gottfried
Fotos de Gilbert Gottfried (2011-08-21)
Gilbert Gottfried
También conocido como: Añadir Ver todos los autografos de Gilbert Gottfried
Fecha de nacimiento: 28 Febrero 1955 Enviar tu autógrafo de Gilbert Gottfried al foro
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Dirección de email: Añadir
Última respuesta recibida el: 26/5/2012 >>>

Gilbert Gottfried

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Envía tu carta y espera. Por regla general, tardará como unos 3 meses en haber una respuesta. Si no vives en , añade varios Cupones de Respuesta Internacional. Estos cupones (CRI) serán usados por el destinatario para canjearlos por sellos de correos comunes. Sólo puedes obtenerlos en tus oficinas de correos locales. Deposita los CRIs dentro del sobre, no pegados en él. Para más información sobre los cupones, clic aquí. (en inglés) *Para información sobre coste del franqueo para recibir una carta desde clic aquí.

Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):

Gilbert Gottfried Success - 26 de mayo de 2012
Sent a SASE and an 8X10 to Gilbert Gottfried on 5/8 and today received my photo back signed. I used the address in the database. Gilbert Gottfried William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA -

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Gilbert Gottfried success - 15 de mayo de 2012
sent: 5/2/12 received: 5/14/12 wait time: 11 days I sent a letter, 2 photos, and SASE to this address: Gilbert Gottfried c/o William Morris Endeavor Entertainment 9601 Wilshire Blvd. 3rd Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90210 I am so excited that after 3 or 4 years of trying and waiting, I finally got Gilbert Gottfried's autograph! He is so funny with his trade mark squinting and loud, raspy shouting I can’t get enough of it. I told Gilbert in my letter that like all Disney fans, I like to know him best as the voice of Iago in the [iAladdin[/i films and T.V. series. I am also glad to know that he was able to reprise his role in the [iKingdom Hearts[/i video game series. He also voiced Iago in the Walt Disney World attraction of [iThe Enchanted Tiki Room (Under New Management)[/i. I even recognized his voice in an episode of [iTimon and Pumbaa, Bump in the Night,[/i and [iFamily Guy[/i and in the Don Bluth film, [iThumbelina[/i. I even told him in my letter that I am terribly sorry to hear that he lost his job being the voice of the duck on the AFLAC commercials. The two pictures I sent for Gilbert to sign are of himself and of Iago from the [iKingdom Hearts[/i video game series. He signed and inscribed both pictures to me. HALLEJULAH! No scanner.

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gilbert gottfried success - 29 de abril de 2012
sent: 4.6.12 recd: 4.28.12 used address in database ... =154608206 no envelope

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