¿Cómo enviar tus cartas de admirador y peticiones de autógrafo a Mark Austin?:
Si lo que quieres es pedir un autógrafo, sigue las instrucciones de abajo. Si tan sólo quieres enviar una carta con la dirección de más arriba y no quieres nada más, ¡entonces deja de leer!
Si vives en Reino Unido envía un sobre con el franqueo apropiado y tu propia dirección (tamaño mínimo 21.5 X 10 cm) junto con tu petición y una foto.
Puedes incluir un trozo de cartón para prevenir que la foto no se estropee cuando circule por el Servicio Postal, y también añadir la frase 'No doblar - Do not bend' en los sobres. Envía tu carta y espera. Por regla general, tardará como unos 3 meses en haber una respuesta.
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*Para información sobre coste del franqueo para recibir una carta desde Reino Unido clic aquí.
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Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Mark Austin - Star Wars Boba Fett - Success! - 23 de abril de 2016 Today I received a success from Mark Austin who played Boba Fett in the special edition of Star Wars: A New Hope. He is a great guy to work with and communicated with me the whole time. The reason why this success is awesome is because for the longest time it was "lost." My USPS tracking showed "delivered" but Mark never received it. So, I went back and forth with USPS and Mark trying to figure out where it went and ultimately decided that I would never see it again. I was wrong! I got an email from Mark two days ago saying that it somehow turned up and he already put it in the mailbox. This is a big deal to me because it was already signed by Jeremy Bulloch and Jason Wingreen. Mr. Wingreen recently passed away and was also one of my first TTM successes. So, it was very sentimental to me. Also, I'm excited to have it back in time for MegaCon where I can add Daniel Logan.
Sent: 2 LOR, SASE, 1 8x10, and 2 4x6 photos on 1.8.16
To: 801 Palm Drive
Glendale, CA 91202
Received: on 4.23.16
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Mark Austin success - 17 de agosto de 2013 I sent a letter and SAE to Mark as well as 4 others by Recorded Delivery on: 1st May 2013, and today I recieved a signed photo from Mark, plus letter from ITN news, saying ' they have included my SAE unused, to be reused. -
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