Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Betsy Palmer (Friday, The 13th) Success - 06 de diciembre de 2014 I sent LOR, photo and SASE. Received my photo signed in my SASE.
Sent: 29 October 2014
Received: 20 November 2014
Address used:
Betsy Palmer
5440 Katherine Avenue
Sherman Oaks, CA 91401-4921
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Betsy Palmer Fri. 13th success - 01 de agosto de 2014 Sent SASE and two pictures of mrs. Palmer with Jason Voorhees to address in database on 7-14-14 returned 8-1-14 both signed one personalized and one just with her name. You can see my pictures on Twitter at cavewv
address used:
Betsey Palmer
5440 Katherine Ave.
Sherman oaks, CA 91401-4921 |
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Betsy Palmer success - 19 de junio de 2014 Sent lor, 4x6 photo and sase to Ms Palmer on 6/2 and received personalized today 6/19.
Betsy Palmer
5440 Katherine Ave
Sherman Oak, CA 9140
Unable to scan |
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