Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Countdown Success (Nick Hewer, Rachel Riley, Susie Dent) - 13 de mayo de 2016 On 7th April 2016 I emailed countdown at channel4.com requesting for autographed photo's of Nick Hewer, Rachel Riley and Susie Dent from the television show 'Countdown'. On 28th April 2016 I received an email saying that they had posted them.
Here are the autographed photo's of Nick Hewer, Rachel Riley and Susie Dent:
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Rachel Riley / Susie Dent (Countdown Success) via email - 18 de septiembre de 2015 I emailed Countdown { Email Address } a few days ago and today 18th September got these photos back of Susie Dent and Rachel Riley back, I did get one of Nick Hewer but I wasn't really bothered about him so here's Rachel and Susie.
I haven't got the envelope. I was on my way to the dentist at the time and took it out to the bin with a load of other rubbish.
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Countdown - Success (Rachel Riley, Jeff Stelling, Susie Dent - 25 de julio de 2011 I emailed Countdown asking if i could request for signed pictures of the presenters to go with my collection.
I received 3 signed pictures of:
Rachel Riley -
Jeff Stelling -
Susie Dent -
Envelope -
- Chantelle.
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