Últimas respuestas recibidas (en inglés):
Mark Lester - 20 de diciembre de 2014 Sent a picture to Mark Lester last week using the address on this site. Got it back signed a few days ago.
Mark Lester
Carlton Clinic
33 Rodney Road
GL50 1HX
UK |
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Mark Lester Sucess! - 12 de enero de 2013 Sent 3 'Oliver!' movie posters to Mark Lester on 2nd January and recived them back, signed and perosnalized on the 9th Jan.
He signed them "To Sam, Good Luck, Mark Lester". Used my SAE.
Used the adress on the data base.
Very Happy!!!!!
Sorry No Pictures. |
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Mark Lester ( Success ) - 17 de junio de 2011 Sent - 14/6/11 I sent letter picture and SASE
Received - 17/6/11 my picture signed used my SASE
Address i used was -
Carlton Clinic
1 Carlton Street
GL52 6AG
Picture - http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b45 ... ter2-1.jpg
Sorry no envelope |  |
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