Autógrafos y letras de Anja Kling recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Anja Kling - success - 17 de marzo de 2022 Had a nice success of german acctress Anja Kling today.
Anja Kling
Agentur Kling
Amselweg 6
14522 Michendorf
Sent: 02/15/2022
Received: 03/17/2022
I sent a SAE and a picture, got the picture back signed and an additional signed autograph card with a nice dedication.
Uploaded with http://surfmypictures.comsurfmypictures
Anja Kling success - 14 de noviembre de 2021 Anja Kling
Agentur Kling
Margarita Kling
Amselweg 6
14552 Michendorf
OT Wilhelmshorst
1 autographcard personalized
3 signed photos
You can see my autograph collection on my Instagrampage, name: at livs.autographs
Anja Kling Success, german Actress - 01 de septiembre de 2017 Heute Neu:
Anja Kling
Agentur Kling,
Margarita Kling,
Amselweg 6,
14552 Michendorf OT Wilhelmshorst
2 OAK mit Widmung + 2 mitgeschickte Fotos signiert mit Widmung
07.02.2017 - 01.09.2017