Autógrafos y letras de Armin Shimerman recibidos (pagina 3 de 4):
Armin Shimerman Success - 20 de junio de 2015 Just got my card back signed by Armin Shimerman who played Quark on Star Trek ds9!
About a month turnaround time. I used the CESD Talent agency address. I'm very happy to get this back.
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Armin Shimerman Success! (ST:DS9) - 28 de marzo de 2015 Sent: LOR, SASE, 1 picture on February 25, 2015
Received: 2 pictures signed and dedicated, my LOR sent back with a note on the bottom in my SASE on March 28, 2015
Armin is such a nice guy! He not only signed my picture, but (as he says in the little note that the Post Office bent the picture a little), sent an additional photo.
Address used is not in the database, but was in the past. Address still works so it should be re-added:
Armin Shimerman
CESD Talent Agency
10635 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite 130/135
Los Angeles, CA 90025-8306
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Armin Shimerman "Buffy" success - 19 de septiembre de 2013 I sent to Armin in may and today I got back my Buffy the vampire slayer season 3 trading card in the sase I had sent him. Great success and nice addition to my Buffy trading card collection.   |
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Armin Shimerman (Star Trek Deep Space Nine) success! YAY! - 16 de septiembre de 2013 Sent 2 5x7 photos (a request for myself, and my brother), LOR and SASE to the address in the database on 5/29, and got both photos back, signed and personalized today, 9/16! Im really happy about this, as I am a massive Star Trek fan, and Quark has always been one of my favorite characters!!!
I sent my package out on the cheap, and didnt include any cardboard to protect the photos, so he wrote, "Photos, Do not Bend" on the envelope, and included a cut out piece of a Special K! cereal box to help protect the photos.
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Armin Shimerman Success !!! - 22 de mayo de 2013 Sent: LOR & SAE & Stamp on April 29, 2013
Received: Signed photo in my SAE on May 22, 2013.
Address Used:
Armin Shimerman
CESD Talent Agency
10635 Santa Monica Blvd.
Suite 130/135
Los Angeles, CA 90025-8306
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