Autógrafos y letras de Billie Piper recibidos (pagina 9 de 9):
Billie Piper Success :) - 27 de julio de 2011 Hi,
This one was when I first started collecting autographs last year.
I sent off for most of the main cast of Doctor Who (David Tennant)
I sent to Billie, lor, sase, dr who card and a bit of cardboard
I used:
Billie Piper
Michael Foster Management
55 Newman Street
London, W1T 3EB
I sent my request on 1st Nov 2010
today-27/7/2011 I recieved my card signed
many thanks good luck
Billie Piper SUCCESS :)) - 16 de junio de 2011 Hello everyone,
I just wanted to post my success from a couple of years ago. I got the address from this website.
I asked wrote her a letter and asked for her to send an autograph, I never included my own photo but she was kind enough to send something back
Billie Piper Autograph Update Please Read - 07 de mayo de 2008 I just called the Agency listed here for Billie Piper ARG they NO Longer represent Miss.Piper her new Manager is Michael Foster his phone number is 02032912929 ARG said call Michael for infor on how to get her Autograph. Thought i should pass this along.