Autógrafos y letras de Bob Lilly recibidos (pagina 4 de 4):
Bob Lilly success - 24 de septiembre de 2012 Sent $5 and my 1990 PS SB VI card to Bob Lilly early August. Got back from vacation and foujnd this in myh mail. Postmarked Austin TX 8/28/12
Sorry no scan. Used the TX addy in the database. |
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Bob Lilly, NFL HOF'er, Success - 16 de diciembre de 2011 Sent Mr. Lilly a letter, 8x10, Silver Sharpie, $5, SASE on 12/7/11, addressed to: 104 Aster Circle, Georgetown, TX 78628. SASE returned 12/16/11 with 8x10 signed in silver, and HOF 1980 added. My Silver Sharpie was also returned. Sorry no scanner. |
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Bob Lilly( Football Hall Of Famer) Success!!! - 25 de octubre de 2011 On 10/17/2011 I sent a LOR,SASE, and custom-made index card to Hall of fame Football player Bob Lilly.I used the Address in the database. I also sent 2 dollars.
On 10/24/2011 I received my custom card signed
Here is the Link to my Video:
I collect cards and do TTM's!!! |
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Bob Lilly Success!!!! - 15 de octubre de 2011 I sent Bob Lilly an 8x10 on 10/08/2011 to the address in the database and received it back today 10/15/2011. He also sent a letter stating he has a high volume of requests so he is asking for a donations which I think are pretty reasonable for a hall of famer.
Envelope: -
Picture: -
Letter: - |    |
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