Autógrafos y letras de Boston Red Sox recibidos (pagina 9 de 21):
John Valentin Success (Boston Red Sox) (Great Lakes Loons) - 22 de junio de 2016 Mail success. Received 6/19! Took less than 2 weeks to get back. Thanks!
Mr. John Valentin
c/o Great Lakes Loons
Dow Diamond
825 E. Main St.
Midland, MI 48640
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John Farrell MLB Strange Fail (Boston Red Sox) - 18 de junio de 2016 Sent LOR, SASE and TC to:
Mr. John Farrell
c/o Boston Red Sox
Fenway Park
4 Yawkey Way
Boston, MA 02215
Received an envelope back from the Red Sox containing my unsigned card, a form letter from David Ortiz and a promo photo of David Ortiz. Not who I sent to so I'm guessing someone in the front office botched it up. But who knows. Very strange indeed.
Sent: 4/30/16
Received: 6/18/16
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Ryan Hanigan Pre-Print (Boston Red Sox) - 17 de junio de 2016 I received my trading card back unsigned, with a form type letter and pre-print photo. Save your stamps, definite pre-print.
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Fred Lynn Success (MLB, Boston Red Sox) - 09 de junio de 2016 On 6/7/16 I received my SASE back in the mail with 2 baseball cards that i had enclosed, unsigned, along with a signed index card from MLB great Fred Lynn that he included.
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Koji Uehara Success (MLB) (Boston Red Sox) - 23 de mayo de 2016 Got this card back signed from the Red Sox Yawkey way address on 5/17. Thanks Koji, no other Sox sign from the address as far as I can gather. Thanks!
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