Autógrafos y letras de Brian May recibidos (pagina 6 de 6):
Brian May (Queen) success!! (Authentic?) - 24 de marzo de 2012 Sent: Midle of January
Received: 23/3/2012
My most wanted success !! The legendary guitarrist from Queen!!
Sorry admnistration doesnt let me put the address I used here... I posted it yeasterday and it was edited...
Authenticity opinions welcome !!!
Autograph: -
By ###:// at 2012-03-23
Brian May (Queen) success? (Help!) - 20 de octubre de 2011 So I sent to Brian a number of months ago, sent a letter and a CD booklet.
Today I received these in a larger envelope, are they real or are they PPs? The first thing I noticed is that its signed 2010. Who would get a PP dated? Im not sure. Thanks for the help: