Confusing Cassie Steele success (not who/where I sent...) - 11 de octubre de 2014 Okay so on 7/25, I sent a SASE, LOR, and a 4x6 to the address in the database for Annie Clark, formerly Fiona of Degrassi.
Yesterday, 10/10, I received an 8x10 of Cassie Steele from the Degrassi/LA Complex set, I guess, saying that they received my letter but that Annie Clark was no longer on Degrassi, and they didnt have any more photos of her, but they had one from Cassie from when she was on the LA Complex. I had also sent to Cassie Steele, so Im not remotely angry about this...just very, very confused, because the address in the db seems to be an agency address, and this came from Epitome Pictures. So uh...anyone with any answers?
(It should be noted that I DID send to the Epitome address for another cast member and received that back a few months ago, very shortly after I sent it, so maybe they just still had my address from that...??)
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