Autógrafos y letras de Casualty recibidos (pagina 1 de 16):
Neet Mohan (Casualty) Success! - 24 de octubre de 2017 Hello,
I received a reply from Neet Mohan who plays Rashid Masum Casualty - I sent a LOR and a SASE to the Casualty address and he sent me a signed Casualty cast card
Sent: 7th October 2017
Received: 9th October 2017
Address Used:
Neet Mohan
Roath Lock Studios
Heol Porth Teigr
Cardiff Bay
CF10 4GA
Thank you! |
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Derek Thompson (Casualty) Success! - 23 de octubre de 2017 Hello,
I received a second reply from British Actor Derek Thompson - I sent a LOR and a SASE to the Casualty address and he sent me a signed Casualty cast card
Sent: Early 2017
Received: September 2017
Address Used:
Derek Thompson
Roath Lock Studios
Heol Porth Teigr
Cardiff Bay
CF10 4GA
Thank you! |  |
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Derek Thompson Success :D (Casualty) - 31 de agosto de 2017 So I've literally loved watching Casualty for about 20 years and it's been my Saturday thing forever...literally I don't go and drink, I sit and watch Casualty (I'm 26 years old). I wrote to Derek Thompson at the Roath Lock Studio's address on July 29th 2017, I received a signed photo back on Saturday 26th August. I know it's not dedicated and probably an AP but I'm happy either way because Charlie has always been my favourite character. ... cev8g.html
Cheers for all the help to get these autographs |  |
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Derek Thompson success (Casualty) - 26 de agosto de 2017 I wrote to Derek Thompson on the 16th of May and received a signed photo today. Used the following address :-
Derek Thompson
Roath Lock Studios
Heol Porth Teigr
Cardiff Bay
Cardiff CF10 4GA
Have tried his agents address over a year ago without success.
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Derek Thompson (Casualty) Success! - 26 de agosto de 2017 Hello,
I FINALLY received a reply from Derek Thompson, completing my current Casualty cast card collection so unbelievably happy with this, you have no idea - my most-wanted and favourite success to date!
I sent a LOR and a SASE to Derek via the Casualty address about 5-6 times and his agency twice over the space of 2 years, and today I received a signed Casualty cast card from him I think the success was via the Casualty address though, as the post mark was from Wales and I received it on the same day as another Casualty reply!
Sent: Some time between 2015-2017
Received: 26/8/2017
Address Used:
Derek Thompson
BBC Wales
Casualty Production Office
Fan Requests Dept
Roath Lock Studios
Cardiff Bay
CF10 4GA
Thank you! |  |
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