Autógrafos y letras de Ciaran Hinds recibidos (pagina 4 de 6):
ciaran hinds(harry potter) success - 25 de septiembre de 2012 Ciaran Hinds(harry potter/rome)i sent him a lor/ssae on 24/7/12
and today i got this 5x7 photo signed and personalised
address i used;Dalzell and Beresford Ltd.26 Astwood Mews London SW7 4DE
i posted photo & envelope on my facebook page;
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Ciaran Hinds (HP) SUCCESS - 03 de agosto de 2012 Ciaran Hinds (HP)
I sent Ciaran 2 photos and an Index card back in may. He plays a great role in Harry potter in the final film, He sent me back everything signed
Sent: May
Recieved: July
Ciaran Hinds
Dalzell and Beresford Ltd.
26 Astwood Mews
London SW7 4DE
Envelope & Photos:
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Ciaran Hinds (HP's Aberforth Dumbledore) x2 - 23 de julio de 2012 On 7/1/12, I wrote Ciaran Hinds, who portrayed Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, in the last two HP films, with TTM autograph request. I sent SAE, 3x5 card for signing, and $2 USD for exchange/return postage. Got his reply today, 7/23/12, with mt 3x5 signed "Best Wishes, Pat.....
Ciaran Hinds." 3 of 3 received today. Address used is current and was found in the database. It is listed below.
Ciaran Hinds
c/o Dalzell and Beresford Ltd.
26 Astwood Mews
London SW7 4DE
UK |
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Ciaran Hinds (Rome, HP) Success! - 23 de julio de 2012 I received a surprise success today from the wonderful Ciaran Hinds! It was not in my SASE so I had no idea who it was from :razz:
Most people I've seen posting have received signed pictures of him as Aberforth Dumbledore from Harry Potter. I know him best as Caesar from my favorite show ROME, so I'm very happy he sent me just a normal picture of himself.
Sent: June 21, 2012- LOR, IRC, SASE
Received: July 23, 2012- A signed and personalized picture in a different envelope.
Address used:
Ciaran Hinds
Dalzell and Beresford Ltd.
26 Astwood Mews
London SW7 4DE
I'm so excited! I really love the picture he sent and just adore him in general. Also, it looks like he may have written out the envelope himself. I'm not that great with matching handwriting but there are similarities. I'll keep it just in case |
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Ciaran Hinds Success - 21 de julio de 2012 I sent a letter, 2 8x10s, and an envelope with one IRC (it was all I had) to the address in the database. Today, after about a month, I received both of my photos signed and one was personalized! A wonderful success!!
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