Autógrafos y letras de Deep Purple recibidos (pagina 4 de 5):
Ritchie Blackmore (EX-Deep Purple) - RTS/Unlcaimed/Fail - 24 de octubre de 2013 Hello, today I've got back my mail from Ritchie Blackmore. But guess what? It comes to me marked as "UNCLAIMED - Return to sender".
Oh c'mon, I was waiting for this mail from "8. March 2013" and today "24. october 2013" it came back unsigned. I'm so sad of it. But I'm happy of that they didn't use IRC so I can send it to another celebrity.
By the way, I used that address in database.
Ritchie Blackmore
Blackmores Night fan Club
P.O. Box 1538
Miller Place
New York, NY 11764
Have anyone get success from this address, or any other address, please???
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Deep Purple!!!! - 17 de agosto de 2013 Oh my god! I´ve got success from one of my absolute favourites bands: Deep Purple! The biggest rockband ever! I´m so happy!!!
Send: 24.06.2013
Back: 17.08.2013
Adress is not available!!!!
I don´t no if the adress is available now!!!!! The answer cames from Basel!
Send: LoR, stamps, SASE and 2 pictures, get back all signed!
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Ian Gillan (Deep Purple) success!! - 16 de noviembre de 2012 An Amazing success for me! Mr. Ian Gillan, one of the greatest Rock Singer of all Times!
I`ve send E-Mail to the Management in July. And they answer, i must to wait `til december, when Deep Purple are in Germany.. If it works...
Yesterday i`ve got a great Card with personal Dedication from Interconti in Moscow! From Mr Ian Gillan!!! I`m so happy!
Thx to Mr. Gillan and the great Management!
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Deep Purple (all) TTM - 05 de noviembre de 2011 I emailed Ian Gillans website and ended up in touch with his personal assistant. She kindly gave me her home address (please dont ask me for it, besides she was only renting and has moved on now) and she got the band to sign my shots for me when they were on tour. This one is of Ian but Ive got one of each of all of them. Sent in February, came back in August along with one of Steves guitar picks too!
Cheers, Neil
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Deep Purple success! - 31 de octubre de 2011 I sent a letter from Switzerland to Deep Purple with the address in the database:
Deep Purple
Thames Talent Ltd.
1720 Post Road East
Suite 101
Westport, CT 06880
I couldnt add International Reply Coupons, because we dont have them in Switzerland anymore. Nevertheless, Deep Purple sent me an autograph back
I sent the letter on October 4th 2011.
I received the autograph on October 31st 2011. |  |
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