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Autógrafos y letras de Doris Day recibidos (pagina 6 de 7):

Doris Day Success - 28 de julio de 2012
In mid May 2012 I sent a 8 x 10 photo and SASE to Doris Day c/o her animal foundation at this address: Doris Day Animal Foundation P.O. Box 223163 Carmel, CA 93922 USA I received my photo personalized and autographed by Ms. Day, as well as a pamplet for her animal foundation, on June 8 2012. -

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My Doris Day Success!! - 12 de junio de 2012
Hi Everyone! I wrote Doris Day a letter and enclosed an 8x10 from Teachers Pet last July and received my photo signed, along with a brochure for her Pet Foundation, in the end of February. I cant describe how happy I was to receive a response! I have read most of the posts regarding her TTM but, still wanted to add my success to the list. It looks to me like two different people signed the picture- Doris herself perhaps?? and maybe her secretary for the Clark Gable signature? No, there was no CG on there when I sent the photo, a fun addition though! I used the address in the database. Thanks for the feedback and let the discussion begin! -

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Doris Day Success - 08 de junio de 2012
On 5/4/12 I sent Miss Day a LOR. CARD, SASE then in yesterdays mail (6/7/12) I received an autographed picture as you can see below along with the envelope. I used the database address. Doris Day Doris Day Pet Foundation PO Box 223163 Carmel, CA 93922 USA -

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Doris Day success? - 30 de mayo de 2012
Hi, sent to her on the 19th April to address in database. Got my photo back today: Got this black/white photo from my mum, its nearly 20years old. It seems authentic to me:

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Doris Day Success - 07 de abril de 2012
I mailed an autograph request and photo to Doris Day on Feb. 11, 2012 and received a personalized autograph from her on April 7th, 2012. My packet to her included a SASE, a photo, and a letter admiring her performance in the film, "Calamity Jane". By chance, it happened to be "Doris Day" week on TCM (April 2-6). Then, I received her autograph today! I used the addresss to the Doris Day Animal Foundation listed on her website About a month later (March 12, 2012) I received a kind note from the Foundation acknowledging that they received my autograph request and donation. The note from the Foundation read: "...Thank you again for caring! P.S. We have forwarded your autograph request to Miss Day's office." Thank you Doris Day! Sam Ramirez (New York City) April 7, 2012 **You may view Doris Day's autograph at

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