Autógrafos y letras de Elizabeth Hurley recibidos (pagina 3 de 4):
Elizabeth Hurley success - 07 de septiembre de 2013 Hi there
Had success from elizabeth Hurley from database address great hot sexy lady
Elizabeth Hurley
Elizabeth Hurley Beach
P.O. Box 16
Gloucestershire GL7 9GH
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Elizabeth Hurley Success - 12 de agosto de 2013 received this today. sent about 6-8 weeks ago to the address on the database. sent letter of request, SASE (which i didnt put enough postage on so had to pay the extra on friday via post office website) a dvd cover and a picture.
Elizabeth Hurley
Elizabeth Hurley Beach
P.O. Box 16
Gloucestershire GL7 9GH
the picture came back a bit creased but i dont mind.
DVD sleeve:
Envelope (and paper)
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elizabeth hurley (gossip girl/bedazzled) success !! - 24 de julio de 2012 elizabeth hurley(gossip girl/bedazzled)i sent her a lor & ssae on 5/7/12
and today i got this 6x8 personalised photo back,
address i used; Elizabeth Hurley Beach P.O. Box 16 Cirencester Gloucestershire GL7 9GH
i posted photo and envelope on my facebook page;
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Elizabeth Hurley success - 28 de febrero de 2012 Sent: SASE, LOR, 3 photos 03.11.2011
Received: our 3 photos signed 27.02.2012
Address used:
Elizabeth Hurley
Elizabeth Hurley Beach
P.O. Box 16
Gloucestershire GL7 9GH
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Elizabeth Hurley success! :) - 31 de enero de 2012 Finally something new
Sent: 3rd of Jan 2012
Received: 30th of Jan 2012
I sent a letter, SASE and two pictures. Yesterday I received my two pictures signed with dedication in my sase.
Address: in database
Elizabeth Hurley
Elizabeth Hurley Beach
P.O. Box 16
Gloucestershire GL7 9GH
http://ciasteczkowekrolestwo.blogspot.c ... urley.html |
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