Autógrafos y letras de Elliott Gould recibidos (pagina 2 de 5):
Elliott Gould success - 09 de abril de 2016 Elliott Gould success
Sent : 23/02/16
Received : 09/04/16
I sent a letter and a reply coupon to Mr.Elliott Gould
Elliott Gould
Ohigan Productions Inc.
2050 S.Bentley Ave. suite 201
Los Angeles, CA 90025
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Elliott Gould Success - 13 de marzo de 2016 February 22, 2016- Sent LOR, SASE, 4x6
March 10, 2016- Received 4x6 Signed
Check out all my autographs at
Address Used
Elliott Gould
Ohigan Productions, Inc.
16255 Ventura Blvd.
Suite 625
Encino, CA 91436
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Elliott Gould Success - New Address - 09 de febrero de 2016 I recently saw that a member of this forum had got an RTS from Elliott Gould's Ohigan Productions address. After a bit of digging I discovered that their office had moved and sent a letter and photo to the new address. I received it back signed in my SASE in just 3 weeks.
Elliott Gould
C/o Ohigan Productions Inc.
16255 Ventura Blvd. #625
Encino, CA 91436
Address and Photo are on my blog -> ... gould.html |
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Elliott Gould RTS - 15 de mayo de 2015 Hi Everyone
I sent to Mr. Gould last month and it came back this morning as RTS, just to let everyone know.
Address Used:
Elliott Gould
Ohigan Productions, Inc.
2050 S. Bentley Ave.
Apt 201
Los Angeles CA 90025-5660
Comentar | Ver los 6 comentarios | Dirección 'devuelto al remitente' 
Elliott Gould - Success! - 28 de marzo de 2015 On 3/2/15, I sent: LOR, SASE & two 8x10 photos to:
Elliott Gould
Ohigan Productions, Inc.
2050 S. Bentley Ave.
Apt 201
Los Angeles CA 90025-5660
On 3/27/15 I received both pictures back signed in my envelope. Surprisingly quick turnaround! |
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