Autógrafos y letras de Eric Vale recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
MLB Eric Valent Success - 18 de marzo de 2023 Sent a LOR, SASE and TC to:
Eric Valent
1739 Colony Dr
Wyomissing, PA 19610-1101
Sent: 3/7/23
Received: 3/17/23
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Eric Vale(Future Trunks in DBZ)2nd Awesome success!!!! X8 - 26 de agosto de 2011 This is my 11th success this month!!, great month for autographs!, My last success from Eric, i mentioned i talk back & forth with Eric via email, nicest celeb i have ever talked to, after i got my last reply from him, he told me if i ever wanted anything else signed to let him know, i messaged him & he told me to send him whatever I wanted signed & he would be happy to sign them all. Great guy!, let me know what you think!
Sent: 7/18/11, 2 dvd covers, 6 DBZ cards, lor, sase.
Rec: 8/26/11, everything back signed
DVD covers(History of trunks which I am sending to Chuck Huber, & DBZ Kai) ... le001.jpg/
Cards 1,2,&3(Ilove these cards!) ... le002.jpg/
Cards 4,5,&6 ... le003.jpg/ |    |
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Eric Vale Success! Trunks from DBZ - 26 de agosto de 2011 Super excited to add my favorite character from DBZ to my collection....
Check out my success on my website:
Address Used:
Funimation productions
C/O Eric Vale
1200 Lakeside PKWY
Flower Mound, TX 75028
I also just updated my website DBZ section with all new scans of my cards:
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Eric Vale(Future Trunks in DBZ) AWESOME success X6!!!! - 01 de julio de 2011 I traded emails with Eric Vale back & forth, he gave me a address & told me to send whatever i wanted signed to him, so being the huge DBZ fan that I am, I sent him 4 of my favorite Trunks cards, Season 5 booklet & my Broly DVD cover which was also signed by Vic Mignogna on 5/13/11 & got everything back signed on 6/7/11, HE then messaged ME back apologizing for not personalizing because he was spending time with his Daughter, I thought that was such a classy move on his part because there was NO need for an apology at all, such a nice guy, & it makes it that much better as he plays one of my favorite characters!!
Broly DVD cover also signed by Vic Mignogna
Season 5 booklet
Cards 1&2
Cards 3&4
Sorry, but im not posting the address |     |
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