Autógrafos y letras de Ernest Borgnine recibidos (pagina 2 de 3):
The Great Ernest Borgnine - 10 de marzo de 2012 Hello,
SO happy about this one! Received back my signed and personalized picture from Mr. Borgnine. I sent a Mermaid Man picture from Spongebob Squarepants. Wrote "To Scottie With Love from Mermaid Man" "Ellllvil" "AKA Ernest Borgnine" Love this inscription! Sent lor, pic and sase. Sorry no scanner.
sent- 02-12-12
received - 03-09-12
Thanks a million!
Ernest Borgnine
Tovern Productions, Inc.
3055 Lake Glen Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-1313 |
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Ernest Borgnine non-success - 29 de febrero de 2012 Hello from Czech republic! I've sent 1st Feb 2012 request and yesterday (28th Feb 2012) I've found unsigned photos (2) with this note: "Thank you very much for sending your autograph request to Mr. Borgnine. Unfortunately, due to a high volume of mail, autograph requests have not been addressed as timely as anticipated. As such, and with regret, Mr. Borgnine no longer personally signs out of his office, but may, on occasion, be making personal appearances and signing at a limited number of autograph show events. It has meant a great deal to Mr. Borgnine to know how much you have supported him through the years. He has so many wonderful fans worldwide and appreciates each and every one of you." So, that means he doesn't sign photos anymore through the mail. Never mind, wishing him good health! With love Daniel
Address used:
Ernest Borgnine
Tovern Productions, Inc.
3055 Lake Glen Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-1313
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Ernest Borgnine Success!!! - 27 de febrero de 2012 Sent letter, photo & SASE to the current listed address on December 11, 2011.
Received autographed photo and comment/autograph on my original letter!!
What a sweetie!!!
Ernest Borgnine
Tovern Productions, Inc.
3055 Lake Glen Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-1313
~Stephanie Hanlin |  |
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Ernest Borgnine RTS - 23 de enero de 2012 Sent it out on Oct to MR Borgnine in oct . GOT IT BACK said PLEASE RET TO SENDER address was.............3055 lake glen dr beverly hills ca 90210 |
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Ernest Borgnine(Mermaid Man) SUCCCESS!! :) - 25 de septiembre de 2011 I sent Ernest Borgnine (Mermaid Man in Spongebob) a LOR, photo, and SASE, on August 17, 2011, and received my LOR signed, my photo unsigned, and another photo signed and personalized! I dont know why he didnt sign my photo but Im still very happy!!!!
Address used:
Tovern Productions, Inc.
3055 Lake Glen Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210-1313
I am so happy!!!! Another great addition to my SpongeBob SquarePants collection!!! |    |
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