Autógrafos y letras de Eva Marie recibidos (pagina 6 de 11):
Eva Marie Saint - 14 de abril de 2015 Sent to Eva Marie Saint about 3 weeks ago using the first address on this site. Rec. photo signed and personalised about 5 April. She also put a nice not on back and wrote Please Do Not Bend. I wrote to her about 6 months or so ago but didn't get anything back so I wrote again and very pleased with this.
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Eva Marie Saint - Superman - success - 20 de febrero de 2015 Address:
Eva Marie Saint
10590 Wilshire Boulevard, Apartment 408
Los Angeles, CA 90024-7333
02.02.2015 - 20.02.2015
2 photos personalized and signed
Please my facebook page |   |
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Eva Marie RTS - 19 de septiembre de 2014 Sent a LOR and a SASE to Eva Marie and used the address in the database:
Eva Marie
P.O Box 238
East Irvine, CA 92650-0238
Comentar | Ver los 4 comentarios | Dirección 'devuelto al remitente' 
Eva Marie Saint, 2014 Success - 27 de agosto de 2014 Hi, I was so impressed by the quick reply I got back from the wonderful Eva Marie Saint. I sent to the address in the database a LOR, a photo, and an SASE. On the Waterfront is my favorite 50s film! So happppyyy!
Sent: August 15, 2014
Received: August 27, 2014
12 days!!!!    |
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Oscar Winning Actress Eva Marie Saint Success - 19 de abril de 2014 Eva Marie Saint - Academy Award Winning Actress who was in films such as 'North By Northwest', 'On The Waterfront', 'Because of Winn-Dixie', and 'Superman Returns'.
Eva Marie Saint
10590 Wilshire Blvd #408
Los Angeles CA
I provided the photo.
Took about 3 weeks.
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