Gila Golan Actress - 21 de marzo de 2018 Gila Golan was born in Kraków, Poland, around 1940. Her exact birthday is unknown, as she was hidden from the Nazis at a young age. However, she has adopted the birthday of December 30, 1940, for herself. She was found, as an abandoned baby, on the streets of Kraków. A Roman Catholic family found her left in a bundle at a train station during the Holocaust, and adopted her during the war. Her adopted family named her Zoshia Zavatski. After the war, she went to a home for 'lost' Jewish children. Arriving in Israel in 1951. In 1960 she won first place and was crowned as Na'arat Israelâ"Israel's Maiden of Beauty" (IMB) (not Miss Israel,) though she changed her name to Gila Golan to prevent word getting back to her religiously conservative benefactors. After receiving second place in that year's Miss World competition as Israel's representative she was sent to the United States to raise funds. While modeling in New York, she won a contract with Columbia Pictures. Director Stanley Kramer started her film career with the role of Elsa Lutz in his 1965 film Ship of Fools. She continued to establish herself in Our Man Flint (1966), Three on a Couch (1966), Catch as Catch Can (1967), and The Valley of Gwangi (1969).
Sent her 2 photos on 24 Feb and got them back signed on 21 Mar.
Ms. Gila Golan - Wiener
5500 Collins Ave #604
Miami Beach, FL 33140 |