Autógrafos y letras de Gilles Gratton recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Gilles Gratton NHL Success - 01 de septiembre de 2022 I sent a letter, and two CICs to Gilles Gratton and I got them back signed!
I sent it out on 6/17/22 and I got it back on 9/1/22!
Mr. Gilles Gratton
84 Rue Pacifique <<arrow$
Saint-Constant, QC J5A 1H8
Canada <<arrow$ <<arrow$ |
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Gilles Gratton, Ex NHL Goalie, Success - 31 de julio de 2015 Sent Mr. Gratton a letter, 8x10, blue Sharpie, SASE on 7/21/15, addressed to: 84 Rue Pacifique, Saint-Constant, QC J5A1H8, Canada. SASE returned 7/31/15 with 8x10 signed in blue. Sorry no photo. |
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