Autógrafos y letras de Giovanni Lombardo Radice recibidos (pagina 1 de 1):
Giovanni Lombardo Radice Success - 27 de noviembre de 2015 Sent an email to Giovanni (also known as John Morghen) via his website - emailed back that he was not able to send pics out for free (said it would be unfair to those who purchase via conventions, which is fair enough) but they could be purchased for a small fee (I think it worked out at about £12 in the end inc. P&P from Italy, which is nothing compared to some big signing events, plus I'm a big fan of the Zombie/Cannibal genre so ...)
Received signed pic on 26/11/15 November.
Giovanni is probably best known from films such as Cannibal Ferox & City of the Living Dead.
Link to pictures on my site:
Link to envelope: